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armbian, restore "root terminal here" in caja and so on

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:00 pm
by Doug Coulter
I wish there was an easy way to cut and paste whole posts, as I've already done this up on another phpBB locally, one I use to make notes to self...

Armbian, with a somewhat outdated but nice tradeoff between being light and being too light mate desktop, has a few things missing...and one is pretty handy for me, which is being able to navigate in the Caja GUI (called Nautilus and other things, I dunno who keeps renaming the file manager) somewhere - easy and quick in a GUI, and then drop down to a terminal, root or otherwise, a root GUI, to do something without having to navigate all over again...and it's not all that hard to add, nor is it big byte wise. These steps, barring a couple of details (like the names changing with distro) seem pretty universal...
First install caja-actions

sudo apt install caja-actions
then make a file open-terminal-here in ~/.config/caja/scripts/
(the filename is what will show up in the GUI menu)
With this in it:
Code: Select all
exec mate-terminal

make it executable (chmod +x it or use GUI)
restart caja:
caja -q

*************************************************************** that pretty much shows how it's done...the rest is going to vary somewhat
Some distros are going to use gnome-terminal instead.
Some call it nautilus and the scripts dir is in a slighly different spot, but under your home

I did the usual few of these for various cases, here's a file with the whole scripts directory in it:
the whole /scripts directory and content
(291 Bytes) Downloaded 304 times

Untested but from a good set of directions for this:
Open ~/.config/caja/accels
(if you use vim, I use gedit)
vim ~/.config/caja/accels
add add the following line

(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ScriptsGroup/script_file:\\s\\s\\shome\\sUSER\\s.config\\scaja\\sscripts\\sopen-terminal-here" "F4")
where USER is your user name. This binds the script to F4, but of course you can change the shortcut as you like.