Hello from Romney WV,

Post here once you join, and tell us about yourself so we have a clue who we are talking to.
Keep threads short here -- once you have something to say, there's a topic here somplace where it will fit -- and if not, let me know and I will make subforums as necessary. We want all of hard science and tech up here, and if something doesn't fit -- that's my fault and I will fix that for you. See the rules and tips in the parent forum, please.
Forum rules
This sub forum is for new menbers to announce themselves. Try not to create long threads here -- this is just for you to tell us who you are, and for us to say welcome. There are other forums to actually discuss real tech-science things here, and ask questions on. The idea hopefully is to have enough forums and subforums that nothing sci-tech related will be off-topic, there will be a place for it. If I missed something -- let me know, and I'll fix that.

Hello from Romney WV,

Postby WilliamSherman » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:01 pm

Hello to All,
I am an electronics, electromechanical tech. I work in the automation field.
I started my Nerdiness in the 80's Programing Basic on a commodore and went into electronics from there.
I have a fairly decent electronics/chem/physics lab, as well as a moderately equipped machine shop.
I enjoy making beer, wine, and other stuff.. LOL
I also have a small but well equipped jewelry shop.. I facet stones, and also do a little metal casting.
I drive old aircooled VW's and collect old technical books.
I am currently working on Ion and static electricity driven motors...
I am interested in magnetism and have quite a few Measuring gizmos for Static, Magnetism, etc
I am a ham KD8EWP but don't talk on it much at all..
I used to frequent Timonium Ham fest every year until it fizzled out a few years ago.
I worked many years in a repair shop (J&M electronics) as a bench tech, followed by Thorn Services International, also as a bench/field tech
I later moved into the copier field (mid 90's) where I worked for almost 20 years. Got bored with it and then got into PLC's and automation.
at my current job, I take a concept from a manager.etc,, then postulate, source, build, debug, and hand over a turnkey build to them..
and I recently participated in a reality show on the discovery channel. (soon to air mid July) lol
that's the top end, but there are many more layers. I am a builder, a tinkerer, a fabricator, and sometimes a BS'er
Also Tesla coils and HV. And I collect radioactive materials.

I hope to contribute when/if I can...
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:34 pm

Re: Hello from Romney WV,

Postby Doug Coulter » Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:41 pm

Sounds like we're going to get along really well!
I found fixing things (stereos to computers), being forced to learn how to troubleshoot, and seeing the results of every engineering mistake was about the best way to really know something. Or know how to know.

I bet people would like to see some pics of your toys if you have them.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Doug Coulter
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