Hola, desde Costa Rica

Post here once you join, and tell us about yourself so we have a clue who we are talking to.
Keep threads short here -- once you have something to say, there's a topic here somplace where it will fit -- and if not, let me know and I will make subforums as necessary. We want all of hard science and tech up here, and if something doesn't fit -- that's my fault and I will fix that for you. See the rules and tips in the parent forum, please.
Forum rules
This sub forum is for new menbers to announce themselves. Try not to create long threads here -- this is just for you to tell us who you are, and for us to say welcome. There are other forums to actually discuss real tech-science things here, and ask questions on. The idea hopefully is to have enough forums and subforums that nothing sci-tech related will be off-topic, there will be a place for it. If I missed something -- let me know, and I'll fix that.

Hola, desde Costa Rica

Postby Mauro » Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:01 pm

Hello,fellow forists. I ran across a video about Coulter and his "fusion" thing. I am a retired electronic engineer who loves everything related to technology, be it health, power, transport, anything. My wish for living long is to be able to see the next advance, the next invention. This month IBM is celebrating another year of the "very first personal computer", but I am not sure if it was the first one. Back in 1975 I bought the Tandy -Radio shack computer, with a RAM of 4K, a cassette recorder running BASIC; as far as I know that was the first computer ($700 cost). For the past 28 years I have planted in one hectare Jojoba over and over, to the point of having sixth and newer generations. I know all there is to know about growing the plant and its uses but I have not been able to mass produce it. My idea is to have a 100 hectares farm. for those who do no know about Jojoba, is a plant that yields seeds with a high quality oil for more than 100 years. It replaces the oil from the Sperm whale. I have written to the whale industry in Japan trying to lure them into investing in Jojoba, to no avail. On the other hand, I spend my retirement days developing databases using an application called FileMaker; if some one of you are interested, I tailor make solutions for all type of businesses. I have over 200 designs. So, this is my introduction to you all. From Costa Rica we say PURA VIDA! to an easy and peaceful living.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:45 am

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