(links below)
1. It really does run 32 mhz, and the "fastio" is actually very fast - just doing that it'll get around the loop function toggling a pin such that my scope says 3.5 mhz (which means it's making it at 7 or so).
Now, almost everything slows that down...adding serial setup slows it down even if not otherwise used - and so on. I intend to publish a "demo" sketch that will have my little version of an opsys/scheduler and examples of things like "zero loss" counting, a/d with DSP improvement (it's already 12 bits now!) and whatever else I think of - it's early times on this guy just now, I'm feeling it out and it's looking good. A couple of these slaved to the usual raspberry pi will make a completely killer data acquisition and control setup. I tend to use arduinos for stuff I want to have hard real time, but use a pi to gather all that up with timestamps, then put it in a database, and run any GUI type control code. It's a good match. The pi usually isn't taxed very much, just that with linux, you can get all this cool stuff like high level languages, drivers for databases and whatnot. A pi 3 is more than enough - I don't use wifi for this - and a pi 2 is probably plenty if you're not using the camera stuff.
As is usual for me, I'm here using the website for off-site backup on some of this, and why not share?
Here's the sort-of data sheet: Now, there are evidently two ways to add support to the arduino IDE, and both have issues. The "official/original" one uses the old sketchbook/hardware folder - which hasn't been used by the IDE for a bunch of releases now, and some things don't work (lots of things). A developer going by dbuezas came up with a json link you can add to your preferences, and download support - that works off the bat, but some of the files from the original appear to be missing (that fastio_digital.h among them) - and regardless, you have to explcitly #include some things that aren't mentioned or are different than described in the youtube video Ralph Bacon created, below. Such is life for early adopters. I went for the json and copied in some files from the "official" and explicitly include them - that works for me so far, but I've not tested everything yet. I got it from here: https://github.com/LGTMCU/Larduino_HSP
I got my hardawre at Bangggood as Ali Express is so messed up I couldn't get them to take my money. I hear others saying that as well. The price was right - $7.72 for 3 of them.
Takes awhile to get here, but you really can't complain too loudly at those prices.
https://www.banggood.com/3pcs-Wemos-TTG ... rehouse=CN
I might be getting more of these...so far, they seem really nice.
Ralph's video: https://youtu.be/Myfeqrl3QP0
Yeah, that's me in the comments too - it seems to be where the people working on making this nice are gathered at the moment.
Here's the guy who got the now normal install going: https://github.com/dbuezas/lgt8fx
Here's the full line I have in my arduino preferences for board support - I do esp's as well.
Code: Select all